Friday, February 3, 2017

Happy Shack Eye Candy

There is always upkeep, and changes to the lake house.. I painted the door pink, and you can see all the pink,blue, yellow, green in the trim work and shutters.. We added a larger  deck on the lower level, The  front porch, we have a  little spot to sit and have a meal, and you can see the round lounger with the  mosquito netting, so I can lay out and read.. I like the netting just for the feel, and in case some random bug thinks it needs to find me.. The lower deck we have added another  lounger, and a chiminea to make s'mores, and take away the fall chill... If your new to the blog, you will see a 10ft. long board surfboard that a freind brought back from Hawaii so many years ago, and I got it for $20, and did a mosaic on both sides, duck behind that and have a nice shower once you get out of the lake.  Come sit on the porch with me, have a big glass of sweet tea, it is the "house wine" of the south, and lets watch a sunset !

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