Yes, we had the house built to this stage..and we took over ! Then the fun began..we had to clean up all the construction debris, original house color in grey blue. This is a Jim Walters home. But we wanted to finish it OUR way to OUR taste. So enjoy the 2x4 walls.. and then see what we did ! Yes.. we would drive from Colorado several times a year, 1,000 miles each way.. to do plumbing, electrical, sheet rock insulation. FUN TIMES.. and then drive 1,000 miles home..so Hubby could go back to his real job! Eight years of road trips later, retirement and the house is done... other than some small projects ! OK..truth... I will Never be done...I will change something at a drop of the hat..Hey, I repainted the kitchen 5 times before we ever moved in..re- did the laundry room, the wall texture, washer/dryer and cabinets.. and the master bath was re- done before we ever used the shower...yes.it was tore out and re -done before it ever got wet. I just decided I wanted a big Jacuzzi tub,and plan b happened...that's what happens when you leave for months at a time...and have time to think..hmm maybe we should... what if we... OH , that would be nice...Uhhh I have an idea.. YES hubby went along for the ride..and did the sweat equity. NOT to mention he had some awesome ideas that I sooo loved.